This is a website that seeks to encourage teachers all over the world. Teaching is a wonderful profession.
Teachers are given the opportunity to affect the minds of people. I believe that teachers need to be equipped to make the most of their time with students. This is why I will be making 200 short messages to teachers. Everyday teachers can come to this website to find encouragement and also topics to ponder on.
Whether you teach Mathematics, Chemistry or Physical Education, I hope to encourage you to do your best as you raise the leaders of tomorrow.
I pray that we seek to bring out the best in the students. They have a lot to offer so let us not hinder them but instead let us show them ways they can use what they have been blessed with.
Please let me know if you think of ways to change education to better help students, parents and teachers.
Let us encourage students to remember, learning is is a good thing and one of goals of a teacher is to help children see this. Learning happens outside of school and during the summer as well.
Have a wonderful time looking through the website.
Teachers are given the opportunity to affect the minds of people. I believe that teachers need to be equipped to make the most of their time with students. This is why I will be making 200 short messages to teachers. Everyday teachers can come to this website to find encouragement and also topics to ponder on.
Whether you teach Mathematics, Chemistry or Physical Education, I hope to encourage you to do your best as you raise the leaders of tomorrow.
I pray that we seek to bring out the best in the students. They have a lot to offer so let us not hinder them but instead let us show them ways they can use what they have been blessed with.
Please let me know if you think of ways to change education to better help students, parents and teachers.
Let us encourage students to remember, learning is is a good thing and one of goals of a teacher is to help children see this. Learning happens outside of school and during the summer as well.
Have a wonderful time looking through the website.